• When there is cough and Pei Pa Lo or other kind of medication treatment, is it necessary to have special diet?
  • Can baby and children take the medication treatment?
  • Can pregnant or breast feed mother take the medication treatment ?
  • Is there any side effect of Pei Pa Lo ?
  • Pei Pa Lo tastes sweet, would the sweetness promote phlegm?
  • How does cough occur?
  • What is dry cough ?
  • Will dry cough converts into cough with phlegm ?
  • What is the difference between western and Chinese medication ?
  • How to distinguish Chinese and Western OTC drug?
  • How long does it take to cure the cough?
  • Any method that we can recover sooner?
  • After consumption, how to store the remain medicine ?
  • How to distinguish the fake and genuine product?